But, I offer you certain victory—the victory over fear and everlasting safety and Joy. Can you ask for more? Yes, and you do. You ask that you are the cause of the victory. You ask that you be the creator of the Peace and the Salvation. If it comes from another, it is tarnished, because you did not accomplish it ALONE. For it is alone you have decided to come into this world, and it is alone you think you can conquer fear and find happiness. Have you done it yet?
Change is the way of all things. Is it? Is there nothing perfect? Am I perfect? Are you perfect?
All things I am are as I would have them be, save one. You are not as I would have you be. All things, but you, I have made as I want them. They do not have the power of choice, not as you do. But to you I gave the power of choice. It was given to you as you were begun. It is your birthright. You may choose to be happy and at Peace or you may choose to seek domination and power. They are not the same thing; they will never be.
If you and all your brothers will choose to have the Peace and Joy I so much wish for, then I will be perfect. For then I will have all I can wish for. I created you to be my Joy. Will You?
What is there to be changed? Is it the clothes you wear? Is it the food you eat? What is it? Listen now to the voice for Peace in you and hear the nature of the change I wish. Close your eyes and seek the answer now.
Listen again. You will hear.
Did you hear? If so, you have begun the change. Success is yours. You cannot fail now; you have seen the way. THE WAY IS IN LISTENING TO YOU. Now we have begun the change. Let us look at where we will go.
What will we change? How will we change? We will do it by knowing where we are going, by a clear understanding of the goal. Once we have seen the goal and we know it to be true, is there anything which will deter us? Yes, there is fear. Fear is the only thing with which you can stop us from reaching the goal. Why will you be afraid? Because it is change, and change itself is something you fear. You fear change, even though it will bring you Salvation and grace. You fear change because it is different and nothing else. It is only the brave and the sure who venture into the cave of the wind to take their chances. Victory or defeat.