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God's Peace Book--Introduction Page
God's Word
God's Peace Book--Introduction Page
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God's God's Peace--Salvation Page
God's Peace Book--Introduction Page
God's Peace Book--The Beginning Page
God's Peace Book--The Journey Page
God's Peace Book--The Goal Page
God's Peace Book--The Process Page
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God's God's Peace--Salvation Page
God’s Peace
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What will Salvation be like? It will be a time of unrivaled Joy and Peace. It will be a time of rejoicing for those we thought were lost. It will be a time of discovery—discovery of the truth of God and love. It will be a time of love.

Will it be boring? Will everyone be the same? Not at all. You are each unique. You are each special. You each have a part to play in the salvation of each of us. You will not lose your identity, but you will lose your fear. You who choose to stay here on the Earth will found an age
of light. The land and the sea will be open to you to enjoy. The air and space will be yours to explore. Time will be seen for the illusion it is. People will cover the Earth and find Joy in it. People will live in many new and unusual places. The cities of today will dwindle and people will move to places of their choosing. Surely there will be capital cities. They will be in the Sahara, on Pilgrim’s Point, in Puerto Rico, in Canberra, in Brazil, in the Ukraine, in Spain. There will be few national boundaries, and those that remain will mean little. The Earth will flower to its true glory. There will be clean skies and waters. There will be vast forests, clear lakes, and snow-capped mountains. And every square inch will be a place of Joy and safety for all who use the Earth. There will be no Fear or famine or illness. Can you see it? I can. Come with me. Let us build it as it can be. Let us start today.

In the beginning, man came; at long last, Peace will reign. The journey is ended. I can be heard throughout the land. Over all the lands the hour is come. Many have died; many have lived. It is a time of rejoicing. God, the messiah, is come; he is among us now.

You will be at Peace. There will be a place for God within each citizen of the world.

God will talk to us. God’s message will be clear: Salvation is at hand. Peace will rule.

Here is the plan: Storms will come, hail and lightning. It will be a time of terror for some, Salvation for others. Let us rejoice that God is at hand. Give up false hope and join your brothers in Peace. Share the light which is within you. Know the time is here. Salvation is come; the messengers are here. He walks with you now.

God’s messenger speaks for you, for you are with God even now. He is within you. He is here now. He is the light of truth. He is Peace, He is salvation. Our goal today is to find him in us so we may unite, so we may bring Peace to all.

The Scribe made two drawings of picture visions that occurred during the transcription—one of pages of the "Book" and one of "Stacked Houses.

The Lord’s message is this—be calm; see the light in each of God’s sons. See it in male and female.
See it in old and young. See it in black and white. See it in Jew and Gentile. Save each other now. My messenger is among you. Hear him, for he has come to save you. It is the time to open your heart and let
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