Come with me now; let us go on a journey. It is a journey of the mind. I will guide you. Let us leave where we are and go into the high places. Let us clear our minds of the day-to-day trivia that we have placed there. We have work to do. It is glorious work. It is the work of God. Are you at Peace? Can you find a place to be at Peace? Try today to find a place of Peace and spend as much time there as you can. No more than an hour is needed, but give what you can. When you are in your place, close your eyes and listen for me. I am there in your mind. I am there even now. Listen and you will find me. At first,
your mind will likely be filled with noise from the day-to-day activities you are engaged in. But try to look past these and look into the quiet place inside yourself. Don’t ask, God, are you there? for I am always there. Ask instead, God, what is your will? Ask, God, what is your plan for Salvation? Ask, Father, how may I find Peace? Ask, Father, what is truth? Ask and listen with a willingness to hear and you will hear.
How can it be that I can talk to all people at once? It is the simplest of all things. I am you. I am in all of you. You are my thoughts, and what you think, I think also. We are one.
Try as often as you can to go to your quiet place and listen for me. The voice you hear will be mine. Do not despair that you do not hear me clearly at first. You have built up many barriers between us. Your vision of this world is a product of your thoughts. It will be hard to let it go and to hear me at first. But listen and be willing to hear, and I will be heard. I will be answering you even when you do not hear me. It is you who are blocking me out. Let yourself hear me and you will find Salvation.
Listen now to my voice. I have a message for you. Peace is within your grasp. Do not let it slip from you. Do not let those who see darkness lead you into darkness. You see the light; know it is true. Know that the light is your place. You are like the branch of a new tree. You have great strength in you, but you are yet to be strong. Give yourself time to grow. Do not be in a hurry; rather, gather your strength to you and let your thoughts mature. Let your doubts be voiced and deal with them. When you ask of me and you are in the light, you will have the answers to all of your doubts.
Cast aside your doubts and fears. They block your Peace. Your mind cannot be filled with Peace and hate at the same time. It cannot be filled with fear and Peace at the same time. Seek the Peace which is within you. I put it there. It is your right. It is your heritage. Find the light of truth in you and live in the light.
I do not ask you to change your ways. I do not ask you to be what others define as good. I only let you know that there is a voice for truth in you and there is Peace in this voice. If you wish, seek the Peace in you. I am here to help you. I am here for you to know and to be Peaceful. I am here for your salvation.