It is given to you to save mankind. He is your brother. He is your responsibility. He is you. Peace is among you; it is within you. It is your gift. Open it now. I have given you my name. I have given you my son. You are my son. All that follows is Peace. It is the time of Peace. Find it and share it. All the earth rejoices with you at your discovery. I have given you forests, animals, fish, birds, sun, and mountains. Enjoy them, for I have made them for you. I have made them with you. They are what we have created together. See the good and the beauty in what we have created. See it with your heart.
What do you ask of me? Ask it of yourself, for the answer is in you. Do you ask for things which last but a minute? Do you ask for only selfish things? Ask for things which are of real value. Ask for Peace. Ask for truth. Ask for calmness. Ask for knowledge. Do not ask for judgment, for judgment is the root of the problem. You have judged others and you have judged yourself, by the standards you have used to judge them. It is a false judgment. With your judgment you have seen evil. You have seen darkness. You have made them, not just seen them. Is this so hard to see? Look at all war; it is a result of judgment that someone else is wrong. That someone else did something you judged to be bad. Do you not think the other party in the war saw the same thing? Do you not know that those on each side judged they were right in what they were doing? Your judgment has created the wars. It has created the darkness. See the beauty in yourself and in your brothers (male and female). See their side of the story. You have the tools to do it. Understand them and explain your views to them. There can be no war if you each understand the views of the other. So it is with each person. Look to see their side. Look to see the God and the effort in each person. Look to see that in others which is the same as you. Do not look to see what is different. What is the same is great and beautiful. What is different is infinitesimal.
I will show you. Look at someone in your mind. How do you see them? Fat? Small? Bad teeth? Awkward? Do you ever see them as Human Beings? Do you see them as the same as you? When you see an ant, what do you see? Do you see big ones? Do you see small ones? Do you see some are more orange than others? Do you see some have longer antennae? No. You see ants. When you look at people, your brothers, what do you see? How foolish it is to see more commonness in ants than in your brothers. Try today, this day, to see one person as your brother. Male and female do not matter; see one person, one human being, as your brother. As the same as you. As similar as two ants. Look for the similar things: two legs, hair on top, arms, eyes, nose. All of this is the same, but it matters not. Look now for the spirit. It is truly the same as yours. For you are the same. Each day try to find one more human being who is the same as you. Soon you will see all of us are the same. On this day, we will all be the same and salvation will be here. You will have brought it with you. Bless you.
This is how we shall learn. Go into your mind now. There is Peace there; find it. It is there; you will see it. It is part of you as it is part of me. There is in all of you a place of Peace. I have put it there. It is not hidden, but it is not clear to you that it is there. Seek it now. Here is the way. Listen quietly for my voice; it is in you even now. It has always been in you. Hear it now. The voice is a voice of calm; it is a voice of timelessness; it is a voice of everlasting good. It is your right; I made it for you. Listen for the voice. When you hear it, send it on to others. As you hear, so others will hear. Close your eyes and listen now.